Just One Night: Part 1 - Elle Casey

I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with this one. I actually liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I always know I'm going to enjoy this authors characters but still, it's a little bit scary when an author you love does something new. I mean I love New Adult Romances and even a little bit of Contemporary Romance but serials can be very hit and miss with me. On one hand I enjoy reading a small-format story that will be continued every few weeks or so. It can be fun and exciting when it's done well. On the other hand I hate waiting for each new story. Also by their very definition serials usually end in some sort of cliffhanger or at the very least in a fashion that leaves you wanting more and that can be pure agony at times. So I had to ask myself: Do you want more? You betcha! Did it leave off right when it was starting to get exciting? Sort of but not really, the whole story was exciting. Did it end in a horrible cliffhanger? Not really, at least not by my definition of a cliffhanger although yours may be different. Am I eagerly awaiting the next episode? My answer to that is: Do women find British accents hot? Yes and Yes!
From the moment Jennifer and William meet you can literally see the sparks flying. The two have a natural chemistry together that goes well beyond physical attraction although their attraction to each other helps and is what gets things started. The rest of the story seems to be something straight out of a fairy tale. Cinderella to be exact and the reality of Jennifer's just one night turns out to be greater than her wildest fantasies. Their first kiss is just hot! The sexual tension between the two of them just continually rises throughout the story until it all comes to a head (no pun intended) in one explosive moment. I'm not usually one for a lot of descriptive sex in my stories and I rarely enjoy it unless it's there to really enhance the characters and the storyline itself. I felt that Elle Casey did an outstanding job in this department. Their encounter felt real. I don't want to get into the specifics of anything but I really enjoyed the way it played out. I was really afraid that she might do what so many romance authors do which is just too much and too long. Instead their supposed one night together just fit the story and the situation so perfectly. It wasn't there just to fill pages or to add more content. It was just a part of the story that enhanced it dramatically.
Just One Night is both sexy and fun and I feel that Elle Casey has really reached a new height with this one. I think her sexy scenes are getting better and they were already great to begin with but this one just felt so right and I loved how she was able to make you feel the tension and excitement that was in the air. I just can't wait to read the next one. I want to know what happens and I want to know now! I want to read as fate pulls Jennifer and William together. It was apparent to me from the very first moment that they laid eyes on each other that this was going to be so much more than either of them bargained for. It might not be what they thought they wanted but for whatever reason all of the stars in the universe aligned perfectly on this one night just for them and I can't wait to find out how destiny pulls them together.