
Eona: The Last Dragoneye - Alison Goodman have to say I really enjoyed Eon/Eona alot. Remember people, the book has a different title based on different countries. The US version is Eon/Eona while the UK version is different. Anyway I found Eona every bit as engaging as the the first book. I did kinda miss the city though. I really loved the architecture and Alison Goodman's way of describing everything through Eon's view. Like I said in my review for Eon I don't think I've ever read such a descriptive first person pov book before. I really liked Eon and loved her progression throughout the two books. Remember this isn't your standard YA fantasy. There are some major adult themes going on here such as Eona's dual nature, prostitution, A woman's soul born into a man's body type stuff. The ongoing themes are very adult too. I see alot of people not liking Eona's character because she makes bad decisions and gets blamed even when it's not her fault. Personally I found it very refreshing. I get tired of all the goody goody too perfect female leads or even worse yet the goody goody I'm a victim and can't do anything without big strong and dumb to protect me and will just so like kill myself if he like ever leaves me. Sorry about that but honestly Eona very much represents real life. People screw up - ALOT! I make bad decisions everyday and guess what? If you make a decision and something happens that's bad because of your decision even if you didn't know that thing would happen you get blamed. It happens at work, at school, heck everywhere in the real world. That's why I loved Eona. She was real, she didn't know all the answers and much like real life she was kinda winging it as she went. I really loved her evolution from being a man in a man's world to finally rediscovering the woman inside of her. The world didn't need another man it needed Eona but she'd buried the female part of her so deep that no matter what kind of dress you put on her she'll never fully be a woman and I kinda liked that. She'd lived in both worlds and now resides somewhere inbetween. Oh don't get me wrong she's all woman but she's also very hardened. Will fight when needed and will love just as strongly when needed.

Sigh, I could go on and on all day. Read Eon/Eona. Don't pass on such a rich world with even richer characters who are very true to life. These books have so much to offer: Plot, characters, sights, smells and sounds are all in rich vivid detail. I could almost smell the Cinnamon :)